In a current endeavor, I am aiming to prove him wrong, wrong, wrong. Fun on many levels. :)
At the sweet preschool where I work, we are holding a 10 week weight loss competition. There are prizes (YAY!!) but the greatest prize is the motivation and accountability to actually DO something and see results.
As you know, I have been on this little "journey to health" since my son, River (now 6 months old and stinking ADORABLE) was 6 weeks old. I have lost 35 pounds and have gained insurmountable energy and endurance in that time. I have continued to whittle my midsection, attacking that cesarean pooch with fervor, and am still having great results. This contest is simply an extension, a kick in the booty, an extra incentive to keep it up!!
However, because I am so dead serious about not just being THIN, but being HEALTHY and helping those around me to reach whatever their measure of those two things is, I have decided to blog my journey during this competition. Yes, blog. Yes, give tips. Yes, possibly help another competitor beat me out of a prize (boo.). It is worth it. I love seeing other people succeeding in their own health and fitness journeys. I know the feeling of accomplishment and want to spread it like a contagion.
So, here is what you will find here. My eating plan, my mistakes, the supplements I use, my workout ideas, tips, and plans, and my groaning. You will also find I will fight daily the negative inner critic who lives in my head and spews lies to my heart.
To start off, I would like to say that day one (Oct 10) went smashingly. I got 4 out of my 5 points (didn't drink my full load of water) and I feel fabulous!!
Points awarded for getting two servings of fruit, 3 servings of veggies, drinking 64 ounces of water, walking 10,000 steps or working out 30 minutes, and getting 7 hours of sleep each day, for a total of 5 possible points. Only 5 days a week get counted. I got 4 for yesterday. And yes, I slept 7 hours, as River decided to cooperate too!!
Here is the meal plan for now-
Whey protein shake for breakfast made with 4 oz skim milk, 1.5 scoops chocolate whey, and 1 tbsp of milled flax seed. Cup of coffee. Two scoops of greens in 2 oz Orange Juice (which equals 8 servings of fruits and veggies- 1 point done by 7 am)
Supplements taken in the morning- Confianza (for stress), Vital (amazing multi vitamin), ThermoFit (Burns 278 calories JUST by taking it, but speeds up the metabolism and burns more calories during exercise.)
Same shake for lunch
For dinner, I eat whatever we are having as a family. I take two Fat Fighters after this meal to block some of the fat and carbs.

My goal is to do some sort of exercise 6 days a week. Whether a POP pilates video, a quick run, or dance off with Maddy.
Oct 10, yesterday, I did level two of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and remembered that I just don't care for it. So, no more of that!
Today I plan to hit up the bikini bod videos by POP pilates and do a mini bootcamp with Maddy. She loves to do Jumping Jacks, high knees, and butt kicks.
At the end of this week, I will post again. Please look over my previous posts to see WHY I do protein shakes and to learn about the Leptin Diet that I totally believe is THE diet anyone can do and everyone should do!!
Happy hump day!! Now, go rock it!!!