Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wood Block Photo Tutorial

In my haste to find an inexpensive and unique gift for Chris' birthday, I was struck with an idea. As a photographer, he loves to see his photos on canvas. I obviously cannot afford canvases for all the photos I would love to display, so I headed to trusty Hobby Lobby with an idea and no clue how to make it reality. This is what I ended up with:
In reality, this was a super simple project. Here's how to do it:


Pre-cut unfinished wood blocks in varying sizes
Black spray paint (craft enamel)
MOD PODGE!!! Are you surprised?
Sponge brush
Photos printed and cut to match the flat surface of the block
Sanding block


1- Give the blocks a good even coat of spray paint. I did not cover the center completely, focusing mostly on the edges that will be visible. Thrifty, you know?

2- After paint is nice and dry, do a little touch up if you need to. Then, apply the photo to its appropriate sized block with Mod Podge. Once you have the photo placed, start applying Mod Podge over the photo in a cross hatch pattern, giving the photo a nice texture.

3- Let the Mod Podge dry before doing a second coat if needed. I really wanted a canvas texture, so I did a few coats then set them aside to dry for an afternoon.

4- You cannot really tell in this photo, but I used the sanding block to chip off some of the black paint. This gave the blocks a little antique feel.

Finished product. He flipped over them! I want to go back and make some two more of each size. I am thinking that you could make these into a little table stand by drilling a small hole and inserting a wooden dowel? I will try it next time!


She loved them too!

I used these new command photo hanging strips to hang these. Loved them!

So yeah! That is easy, right? As always, I hope you will make one of my simple little projects! I would love to see photos!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Giveaway -- Shabby Apple!

New Giveaway -- Shabby Apple!

Go visit Jen at Tatertots and Jello to enter to win this great value towards a purchase at Shabby Apple. I am absolutely salivating!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Burlap Mail Bag with Embroidered Accents- Tutorial

I sort of just dreamed this idea up one day when staring at a pile of mail that I had no place for.

I had some left over burlap and thought- hey...why not? I had no plan, no measurements, and no clue how to embroider.

But, in case you want to make this cute bag, I will do my best to fill you in on how it came to be!

24x12 piece of burlap
Iron on backing- to make material stiff
1/4 yard fabric
3 complementary colors of embroidery floss
Embroidery needle
Straight pins

Because my burlap was creased, I ironed it flat. Then I folded over the edges along the length of the burlap and ironed it to stay put. Those folded edges will be the sides of the bag. After all the ironing, I folded the entire piece in half to mark where I wanted my letters.

I cut a 4x8 square of fabric and a 4x8 square of the iron-on webbing and fused them together with the hot iron. Then I freehand cut out letters. I attached the letters with straight pins to the front of the bag.

With the straight pins in place, I did a simple back stitch to start my embroidery. Then, I just stitched around the edges of each letter. I didn't guess at how to stitch...I used this.

It is actually a children's book about embroidery. You can find similar info online!

Once all of the letters were sewn on, I took all of the pins out and re-threaded my needle with another color floss to do the side stitching.

I pinned the folded lengths of burlap together now that the letters were done, and stitched large X's up the side. I stitched in a dark blue first, skipping a space between X's to allow for a contrasting color.
Then I followed that by stitching lighter blue X's in the empty spaces and removed the pins.

I hated the top. It looked so raggedy where it was cut. So, I cut a length of fabric that would span the top. I pinned it so that it folded over the top and stitched it.

I attached ribbon to each corner at the top by poking the ribbon through both sides of burlap and knotting it in the back.

Done! Easy peasy. I actually did most of this watching Lost on the couch!

Please send me photos if you make this! I would love to post them here!!

Happy creating!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

As Delicate as a Bird's Wing

You know, I try to hold myself together. I do the best I can to be the best I can be for everyone. I put on a brave face, I smile, I act like a loony bird....because it is what I want to feel in my heart. And sometimes I do. 90% of the time this comes easily because I really feel GOOD. Tonight, after opening a rotten piece of mail, my little bubble of safety popped right in my face and I lost it again. Standing in the kitchen, holding Maddy and this letter, I hung my head and cried. Like really cried. I am so tired. So tired of juggling money, so tired of collection agencies and bill collectors. So SICK AND TIRED of wondering if I can buy groceries or pay the electric bill.

Maddy held onto my shirt so tight in that moment, looking at me and saying "oh"- her new favorite phrase. Then, she reached her tiny baby hand up and lifted my freaking chin so that I would look at her. I did. I saw her toothy grin, her wild hair, and her blue eyes. I remembered a year ago, when Chris came home in defeat, letting us know that he had been laid off, looking into a much smaller face. I remember feeling hopeless, and thinking how unfair it was to lay off a man a day after his premature infant comes home from the hospital. Why was this happening to us? What would we do?

Now, here we are a year later, and I thought I was past the panic and fear. Even though, after another pay cut, I knew it would only get harder, I felt hopeful...not even 2 days ago! How fragile and fickle is my heart!!?? Seriously? How can this flip flopping be honorable to God? I don't know. I know that I sometimes want to be in a different place, to have a different story to tell. I fear that I am failing at faith. That I am throwing my hands up in God's face, asking if He really knows what He is doing.

I don't have words enough to explain this. But, I know my heart. I know that through this hurt and fear, I can grow. I know that tomorrow, God will make His mercies new and known to me in even greater ways. I know, regardless of everything else, that tomorrow He will still love me and shed His grace on my life like a plush and wonderful blanket. I know that He hurts when I hurt and that He can see all things.

I know that when I kiss my husband goodnight, I will cry again. I will tell him I am so sorry that this is our life, that he has to literally work his tail off AND go to school, and be my rock and be Maddy's hero. I know that it is a heavy load to bear. I know that he wouldn't want to be anywhere but here...and that is why he is so much better than I am.

So, to keep you from being depressed, I want you to know that in my walk of faith, one that is almost 20 years old...I have always been able to love God wide open and with complete abandon. I have always gotten the RELATIONSHIP down. I tend to fail, however, in the surrender. That is what I must do. Release my hands from the strings of my own life, and truly let Him be in control.

On April 26, 2004, a much younger and very single Eryn wrote the following blog entry when faced with a similar turmoil:

i sit at God's feet and wait (not so patiently) for some kind of clue, some hint. i listen to his breath become one with my heartbeat, and i find peace. He never reveals to me what i do not need, and never a moment before i need it. so i stay, seated, wiggling my toes, blinking my eyes to keep from daydreaming, and wait for his lead. trusting him has never been my forte. i am too determined to figure it out on my own, to do it on my own. it is so hard for me to grasp the fact that God really has this incredible plan for my life. i can screw up and fall down millions upon millions of times, and He still holds my best in his hand, waiting until he can hand it over to me. i love the fact that he is probably always smiling at me. maybe hes thinking "if only she would just stop for one moment, and let me handle this. if she would look only at me, keep me in the center of her private picture, hold me like a photo in her mind, maybe then, she could see that i am constantly the most spectacular lover of her soul, the blue in her sky, and the chords of her songs. she is silly to feel alone. she is stubborn to think i am not big enough." i can almost picture the wrinkles of concern lining his eyes and forehead. i can almost hear him sighing. and i feel dreadful. My love, the King of Creation, only asks that i trust Him, and again and again, i fail.
oh but to become a child again, and believe without hesitance, trust without second thought. so, i start over yet one more time. remembering that i am destined by my maker for great and wonderful things. remembering that i am only being shaped now, for what is to come soon. knowing fully that i am in safe and perfect hands.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to HIS purpose." Romans 8:28

I think I will end with that. And this photo from 2004...a year in which I learned incredible things about God:
I am ready to learn more. And with hope, delicate as a bird's wing, I will continue to sit at God's feet.

Ponder anew what the Almighty Can Do.

Monday, May 17, 2010

When Your Heart Feels Jumpy

You all know how this tricky life will throw a nice fat curve ball right over the plate just as you have settled in to your routine. BAM! You don't duck fast enough or you mistakenly step into it- and get popped in the eye.

I have a little sting lingering from my latest go 'round with life. After a year of very special challenges, Chris and I had begun to breathe a little again. We were still trying to make it with 40% of our income gone, but had found ways of making it work pretty well. There were still times when the debt collectors called, there were still nights when I didn't sleep a second for worrying over money, and there were still sweet moments that blew us away.

Just last week, we had another change. I won't go into details, but suffice it to say- I am enjoying a new adventure in life as a work-at-home mama. The magazine is still going strong, we have great editorial lined up for next issue. However, in order to be the best magazine we can be, we have had to make significant changes. One of which entails me working from home on a freelance basis. Still the senior editor, I will continue with my normal responsibilities, just on a very part time basis. The good news? I make decent money per hour! The bad news? That money has to last the three months that span a single issue of the magazine. So, we are back at a scary place, standing toe to toe with this new adventure- and I am so totally ready!

I have always said that I love a risk. Well, I am taking one now. Deciding to take this opportunity and make it work for me, I have committed anew to the following things:

  1. Dusting off my novel and putting it back into my daily routine. Scariest of all, this one gives me nervous butterflies in my tummy.
  2. Building my freelance portfolio. Helping local businesses with their creative copywriting needs.
  3. Writing things I never had time for before- like this here blog you like to read!
  4. Being an attentive and thoughtful wife, mother, daughter, and friend.
  5. Crafting! I have so many ideas, so many crafts that sit idly in my closet waiting to be completed. 
The Eryn from a 9 months ago would have buckled under this pressure. She would have found 15 negative things to say about herself and her life. She would look at the empty bank account and the stack of bills and curse her bad luck. She would cry, cower behind disingenuous smiles, and pray bitter, hardened prayers.

This Eryn, this Philippians 4:8 Eryn, (or as Cleve would say- Phil. 4:6-8!!!!) is facing this new challenge head on. With a little pluck and a lot of that Roush toughness, I plan to ROCK this new adventure. I plan to PLAY with my daughter whenever I please. I hope to make time to sit and TALK to my beloved mother and sister. I plan to make good money, doing what I love, for no more than 15 hours a week! And, I plan to open my heart, even though it is still a little jumpy, and let God do a new work in me. He makes ALL things good, He creates ALL things anew, and He uses ALL circumstances to shout His glory and fame throughout my life. Oh the freedom.

If you've followed me this past year, if you have read even half of the story of Maddy's birth and the following months and what they brought with them, you know that this is a HUGE step for me. You know the despair and fear I have fought. I invite you to hold me accountable, to keep me in check. But mostly, I invite you to bolster yourself with courage. For you all know your own troubles, your own nagging worries, and your own personal nightmares. Take courage, take the risk, and acknowledge the blessings that come your way. I hope you will fill your heart with encouraging dialogue and with the knowledge of Scripture. Then take on a piece of this world!

At the lake last week, Chris and I admired these precious goslings. I thought, "That mother must be so scared to have her babies so near to the road. How awful to not understand your surroundings, to stand in constant watch and guard, and to only be able to honk from afar if one wanders too close to a passing car."

Then I realized, this is just life. We live it everyday...walking in a parallel line with the unknown, wondering when our paths will cross and everything will change. I take heart in knowing that my little life is at least secure in God's faithful hands.

Here's to taking one bold step after another.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Here are just some pics of some of the yummy food we eat! Food never looks as good in pictures...but seriously, I could LIVE on this stuff!

This is Chris' domain but I man the veggies sometimes. Here are breasts and thighs, corn, and cherry tomatoes. YUM! Did you know that the healthy nutrient, Lycopene, is only accessible in tomatoes when they are cooked? You can get it fresh in Watermelon, though!

Ready for eating! So yummy!

My favorite new beverage on one of my favorite books! This drink is sparkling water, a tablespoon of pomegranate concentrate, and a dash of lime juice. The book is Between, Georgia by Joshlyn Jackson. Both great for a summer treat!

This is my breakfast. Three egg whites, fresh sliced grape tomatoes, chopped onion, fresh spinach, fresh mushrooms, Kroger Zesty blend, and a sprinkling of mozzarella. Protein every morning has CHANGED my life! Find more info on the foods that keep me going here.

Think on THIS!

I am sitting here in what is basically - the dark. My living room is all shadows and TV reflection as Tammy and Bobby watch Everybody Loves Raymond. I am so tired! Like beat my head against a wall to stop being awake- TIRED! But...sitting proudly aboard that tiredness is contentment- carrying a brightly colored banner- showing off, in fact. It was a long way up, but contentment has officially risen to number one on my emotional countdown.

My life is SO far from perfect...even so far from the life I want to be living...and yet, I am content. And each day, I work for that contentment. I choose to look at the world, not as hinging on every single thing, but on a grander scale- one in which I am a mere player and not the starring role.

I could get so bogged down in the money that still isn't there, even a year later. I could bury myself beneath my worries and fears of being a bad mom, a poor wife, and a failure to the kingdom. I could even swim in the tears I have shed over this past year.

Still, in Philippians 4, Paul begs, "6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

And, I think, even with all the troubles that lay heavy on my heart, isn't there also inconceivable joy? Do I not also have friends and family who love and stand by my little family with ceaseless prayer and petition on our behalf? Can I not pray and petition, also? Rather than moping and self-pity, can I find the LOVELY in my life every day and rejoice in that? Can I take my tiny picture and put it against the big one and accept that no matter the size of my troubles, someone else is currently suffering more?

Well, UH YEAH! I can do all of that. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. And everyday, as I purposefully choose peace and contentment, I will have more time to be a fun mom, a devoted wife, and a more observant servant in this world. WIN...and WIN!

I hope that you feel peace- not in the absence of trouble, but within the mire. I hope that we all step back from observing our own lives as less than perfect, and view that imperfection as God's ability to save us regardless!

Now, I will close with a reminder that when something breaks in our lives, a dam lets loose and its waters breach your heart, that is when God can reveal His love and grace in ways not felt before. A perfect example- a year into this awful, make me shake in my boots, financial situation- we are still surviving. We don't have much, we can't afford to give much, but we are still here, against all odds. And this little girl will never remember the days when her mommy and daddy struggled so. She will only remember the laughter. And of course, the love.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My relationship with Leptin

So, hopefully you read the Leptin rules in the previous post and have a confused look upon your curious face.

If so, let me make it essentially clear that while I make no claims at being a Leptin expert, I am learning what works for me and what doesn't.

I am a product of the 5 small meals a day revolution. INCREASE your metabolism!!! Eat low CARBS! This way of eating had me scared to death at first, but I have since found it quite easy to adapt.

So, here are just a few ways I have made this diet work for me. Hopefully my mom and sister will comment below and share their thoughts also.

  1. Yes, I really only eat 3 meals a day! I do not snack, and if I do, I feel it later. Aren't you STARVING, though? Not really. When my stomach growls I can bet that it is exactly time for another meal, rather than a craving or low sugar.
  2. I eat protein for breakfast. 
    1. 3 egg whites (seriously only egg whites, no broken yolk) with fresh spinach, mushrooms, onions, and grape tomatoes. Spray a little EVOO in the pan and saute the spinach and mushrooms until wilted and soft. Add your egg whites and let them sit until they begin to set up like an omelet. Next, chop your onions and tomatoes and add to top of eggs. Once the eggs are well-set, flip over for 3 minutes and serve. I season them with pepper and Kroger Brand Original Zesty Blend. YUMMO
    2. 8 oz protein shake made with the purest whey protein I could find- Gold Standard brand at Vitamin Shoppe (it is on sale this week!). Sometimes I throw in a tablespoon of organic almond butter and a half of a banana. I also just shake it in my Blender Ball cup with water when in a hurry (in which case I will eat a teaspoon of the almond butter on my way out of the house).
  3. I eat a big lunch.
    1. Mixed salad- romaine, arugula, and baby spinach. Onion, cabbage, tomatoes, and 1/4 avocado. I also buy tuna, chicken, and salmon in those little pop-top cans when they are on sale and stock up. I bought fresh mozzarella and through a little of that on the salad. I use lime juice, EVOO, and balsamic vinegar to make a dressing. 
    2. Steamfresh veggies with canned chicken and low sodium soy sauce. I partner this with some Quinoa that I make ahead and YUM. High protein with healthy carbs! 
    3. Leftover grilled chicken with a veggie and a small salad. It is important to remember to eat protein and I do my best!
  4. I drink a TON of water. To help make it a little more bearable at dinner time, I pour a little sparkling water over ice and add a tablespoon of pure Pomegranate/Blueberry concentrate (found in your neighborhood grocery freezer section) and a splash of lime juice. During the day at work, I fill my 32 ounce water bottle with ice water and a splash of lime and go to it. Easy peasy.
  5. I take my supplements, you can see them on the previous post. Omega 3s, CLA, Calcium-Magnesium, and a multi.
  6. I eat a balanced dinner. 
    1. Buy frozen tilapia filets in bulk- they thaw in less than an hour and are great for nights when you have nothing planned. Drizzle filets with EVOO, splash with lemon or lime juice, sprinkle with rosemary, sea salt, and pepper. I also add minced garlic. Bake wrapped in foil until flaky. Pair with half of a sweet potato (no brown sugar allowed) and spinach salad. 
    2. Grilled chicken- either marinated in a brine (water with added salt and garlic) or marinated in pomegranate concentrate. I do a ton of different veggies with this- tomatoes on kabobs, corn wrapped in foil, and mixed veggies in foil (broc, asparagus, onion, tomato, squash). 
  7. I eat a piece of dark chocolate OCCASIONALLY! It is PACKED with disease fighting antioxidants, and hey, it is YUMMY. 
  8. I don't eat after dinner until the next day's breakfast. Not anything...not a morsel.
  9. I focus on how great I feel. Like I've said before, I do not feel hungry or deprived. So, I get to revel in my new-found energy and shinier hair!!
I recommend that if you really are interested, you buy the book The Leptin Diet by Byron Richards or his other great book Mastering Leptin and learn about what Leptin does in your body. Hope this helps those of you who were curious!!

My friend Leptin!

Are you sick of seeing me throw around the word Leptin yet? Are you over my weekly weight loss updates? Do you think I am obsessed or on a fad diet?


I am obsessed- with health! With being the very best dag-gum ME I can be! I am, however, not on a fad diet. I am not really on a diet at all. Leptin is defined here.

This is just a very simple formula for increasing metabolism, decreasing cravings and appetite, and filling my body with power packed, disease fighting foods that are going to add years to my life and subtract inches from my body! I have taken the following information from this site and claim that none of this is my own writing or property! You should check the site out. But, here is a shortened version.

Here are the rules I now live by:
The Five Rules of the The Leptin Diet
Rule 1:  Never eat after dinner. 
Rule 2:  Eat three meals a day. 
Rule 3:  Do not eat large meals. 
Rule 4:  Eat a breakfast containing protein.
Rule 5:  Reduce the amount of carbohydrates eaten. 
Let’s take a look at each of these rules a little more closely.


Allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast.  Never go to bed on a full stomach.  Finish eating dinner at least three hours before bed. 
One of leptin’s main rhythms follows a 24-hour pattern.  Leptin levels are highest in the evening hours.  This is because leptin, like the conductor in the orchestra, sets the timing for nighttime repair.  It coordinates the timing and release of melatonin, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, and immune system function to carry out rejuvenating sleep.  It does this while burning fat at the maximum rate compared to any other time of the day.  And it does this only if you will allow it, by not eating after dinner.
It is pretty obvious when this isn’t working so well.  Your extra carvings for food may begin around 4 o’clock in the afternoon and certainly later in the evening.
Make every effort to not eat after dinner at night.


Allow 5-6 hours between meals.  Do not snack.
Your metabolism is not designed to deal with constant eating and snacking.  Doing so confuses your metabolism and results in you eating much more than you really need.  Eating too often is like a repetitive strain injury, like tennis elbow but in this case leptin elbow.
Yes, you are supposed to get a snack between meals – but it is supposed to come from your liver.  This is how your body naturally clears triglycerides from your blood.  Besides that fact that these fat blobs 
(triglycerides) confuse leptin, they are also headed in the direction of your hips, thighs, and stomach.  So breaking them down and clearing them out is vital, and this only happens when you allow 5-6 hours between meals.  When you clear your circulatory highways of extra fat during the day then leptin works better.  When you do a great job during the day then you are much more likely to break down and burn stored fat from your hips and thighs while you are sleeping.
Snacking turns out to be one of the worst things you can do.  It doesn’t matter how many calories you snack on, when you snack you throw powerful hormonal switches that cause leptin to malfunction.  The fictitious idea that snacking is needed to stoke your metabolism or maintain your blood sugar is in no small part behind dietary advice that has helped cause an epidemic of obesity.


If you are overweight, always try to finish a meal when slightly less than full, the full signal will usually catch up in 10-20 minutes.  Eating slowly is important.  As you improve you will start getting full signals at your meals – listen to this internal cue and stop eating.
Consistently eating large meals is the easiest way there is to poison your body with food.  


Your metabolism can increase by 30% for as long as 12 hours from a high-protein meal; the calorie-burning equivalent of a two to three mile jog. A high-carbohydrate breakfast such as juice, cereal, waffles, pancakes, or bagels does not enhance metabolic rate more than 4%, especially when eaten with little protein. 
This rule is especially important for individuals who struggle with energy, food cravings, and/or body weight. 
The two signs of a poor breakfast are:
1) You are unable to make it five hours to lunch without food cravings or your energy crashing.
2) You are much more prone to strong food cravings later that afternoon or evening. 
Eggs are a good breakfast, just not smothered in butter and cheese. Cottage cheese is another high protein breakfast food, and along with a serving of complex carbohydrate or fruit makes a great breakfast.  Even a few tablespoons of peanut butter or almond butter (not half the jar) on a piece of toast could work well, especially if you are in a hurry.

I like high-efficiency whey protein for quick and easy breakfasts, such as our Daily Protein Plus.  It is quality protein that gets you metabolism started on the right foot and will keep you more stable during the day.


Carbohydrates are easy-to-use fuels.  If you eat too many of them there is no need for your body to dip into its savings account.  It is very important that you eat some carbohydrates.  Carbohydrates are needed or your thyroid turns off, electrolytes become dysregulated, muscles weaken, growth hormone is not released correctly, fat is not burned efficiently, there is an unsatisfied feeling after a meal, your heart can become stressed, and your digestive system may go on the blink.  I certainly do not advocate a no-carbohydrate diet.  You don’t want to make yourself into a carbohydrate cripple.
However, most overweight individuals eat two or more times the amount of carbohydrates they are able to metabolize.  If you are trying to lose weight an easy way to do this is what I call the 50/50 technique.  Look at the food on your plate.  You want to see a palm-size portion of protein (a 4-6 ounce portion for women; 6-8 ounce portion for men).  And then you want to see a palm size amount of the carbohydrates, a 50/50 visual.  This way there is no calorie counting.  Compare the protein (chicken, meat, turkey, eggs) to the carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, fruit, corn, squash, etc,).  Fill up on fiber rich vegetables as desired.
If you think you really need more food than this, then take a tablespoon or two of good soluble fiber before you eat and you will not only feel more full on less food but your insulin and leptin response to your meal will be smoothed out and in many cases enhanced.
In summary, one key take home message about the science of leptin is that it is just as important when you eat as what you eat.  Eating throws powerful hormonal switches.  Make sure you throw them at the right time so that your body can do what it was intended to do.  When you eat in harmony with leptin your head will feel clearer and your energy better, your cravings will go away, and your health will improve.  There is a lot of power in these five simple rules.

I am so happy to report that I feel more energy, I get out of bed with more (not tons, yet) gusto, and I have lost more than 10 pounds in 8 days! I am only hungry when it is time for a meal...never before. I have not had a diet coke in 2 full weeks and miss it NOT! I do not crave sugar, I do not feel deprived! 

I also supplement my diet with these...which help.
That is two omega-3 fish oil capsules, three calcium-magnesium capsules, one multi-vitamin, one Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) capsule, and two that help with digestion.

See my next post on Leptin for meals, drinks, and other tips!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A little creativity for your soul.....

This is a hair-brained experiment, okay? I have no idea if you care to or want to or have time to do this...but honestly, that isn't my problem. I know that I sometimes need a little fuel to get going when my creativity hits a, practice is good practice. As a writer, I know that my writing will be fuller, richer, and more likely to stand up off the page if I am writing often and with discipline. If I start to slack off or if I let the words go stale like old bread...guess what? Nothing but grimy and worn out mold is going to come from it. So, I thought, since I love to write, and many of my readers love to write...we would do a little mini-creative workshop together. What do you think?

Basically, I am going to offer a writing prompt. Something simple and without much pomp. You then will take that prompt and write from it. We are not talking about starting your collection of short stories here...I just mean some words strung together with meaning. Nothing more than 150 words. THEN....and this is where you must put on your big girl or boy your writing HERE. Right below here where it says comment.

I know, I know....if you didn't take creative writing in college, you may not be comfortable sharing off the cuff musings with mere strangers. BUT listen for one second. If we can get 5 writers, who want to be better, who want to try to find new ways of working with words, who long for new ways of taking ideas, thoughts, or observations and making interesting prose, poetry, or narration....if we can find just a few and share with one another...maybe we can all LEARN and GROW!

When you do a creative workshop, you usually would read your work aloud. But, I am not ready to skype conference you all at this point...and I don't even know if you will do it. So we will simply post our writing, and then comment on the following things: And for now, since this is new- we will only focus on the positive!

What stands out that makes the writer's voice unique?
What one sentence makes you want to read more?
What one sentence or phrase could be omitted with no affect on the rest of the piece?
In what way could the writer expand on an idea here?

This is low pressure guys...just a group of like-minded folks throwing words around. it could be fun.

If you love doing this....if you want to do it again...please let me know!! I will try even if you don't say a word, though.

So today's prompt is to pick one item in your appliance, a piece of furniture, a photo on the wall....anything. Pick that item and write from its point of view...don't give away what item it is. We will do the guessing. 

Well, here it goes. I have adequately prepared myself for you all to cock your eye at me, think in your head "What the crap?", and turn away from your computers. But don't. Have a little fun with me!