Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A fever is nothing to cry about!

Okay, yes Maddy had a fever basically all week. She still played and laughed and snuggled and yelled as usual, though. I am not assuming that it is merely teething and nothing for me to freak out about..

Earlier this week, I thought that her fever and her general clinginess would keep me from getting my to-do list done. (Not that I care one bit. When she clings- I am clung to happily!) I needed to blog, which I did but never published for some this is the recap, and I needed to get my items for my first-ever consignment sale together and ready to go.

Believe it or not, I did get it all done. AND I actually attended my first-ever consignment sale where I purchased this bin full of greatness!!!

Okay, first of all, it was a blast. Second of all, Maddy has more cute Gap clothes than we could ever afford. Third, I feel so proud of the money I saved!!!

I am already bagging things that I want to consign at my next sale and am looking forward to getting my first check this Sunday- no matter what the amount, I love trying and enjoying something new. A little extra money in the pocket is always nice too!


  1. Silly question but did she or does she have spots? A common viral infection seems to hit with a fever and nothing else until the fever breaks then they end up with spots... like a rash... and then they're really cranky and clingy for a week or so!

  2. Nope! Nothing! and her fever has been gone for 24 hours. Nothing at all and she wasn't ever cranky.. just very attached...but she has always been attached in some way. Now that she is crawling I expect for her to be busy all day but at the beginning of the week she just wanted to sit in my lap and hold my hand. :) love!
